Well, the Krazies are all atwitter with their
undies in a bunch (aren’t they always) over a “secret” colloquium held at the
Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome this past week to discuss various
topics that will be addressed in the upcoming October Synod II on the
Family. The blog Rorate Caeli, the Krazies version of L’Osservatore Romano, was just spitting nails (or s*itting bricks)
about this “Vatican II style Rhineland coup.” I must admit that I am a bit
baffled that Cardinals Burke, Bradmüller, Müller, Caffarra, and others can
collaborate on a book to push their agenda, but other members of the hierarchy
can’t sit down with a group of theologians and prepare their arguments for
sound debate. A university colloquium
is far less influential on public opinion—and on the Synod Delegates—than a
published book, especially one that has received such publicity as Remaining in the Truth of Christ. Frankly I think it is a great idea for the
Synod delegates on either side of the issues to do some serious theological
research and reflection so as to be prepared for good discussion and wise
discernment at the October meeting.
The Conference at the Gregorian University was
not an attempt to rally bishops to the banner of an Eucharistic
olly-olly-in-free for everyone from the LGBT community to multiply married
Hollywood film-stars and members of the Kennedy Family. The Presidents of the German, Swiss, and French
Conferences of Bishops were there but with only six other bishops. There were seventeen theologians representing
a variety of disciplines from Scripture to moral theology to canon law. There was an auditor of the Sacred Roman Rota
(the Roman “Court of Appeals” that deals with, among other things, marriage
cases). The President of the Sant’Egidio
Community, a prestigious lay association tightly connected to the Vatican was
also there. All in all, no more than
five of six participants are likely to be members of the upcoming Synod, but it
did provide a good forum in which the theologians could advise the bishops what
options for the future lay open to them for a more inclusive approach to
Eucharistic participation by people who now feel “shut out” of the Church’s
life. A handful of journalists from
Catholic media outlets were also invited to be present which is typical for
such academic colloquia at the Gregorian or other Pontifical Universities.
Why are the krazies so frightened of a change in
Church discipline? Do they really think that Christ has deserted his Church and
that it is fallen on them to guard the Deposit of Faith in his absence? Actually, I think the agenda is far different
and has little direct reference to the upcoming Synod or to the issues of Holy
Communion for the divorced and remarried or people in same-sex marriages. I think this has a lot to do with a
fundamental shift in ecclesiology.
I have written about this before. Avery Dulles in his book The Catholicity of the Church, makes the—I believe prophetic—claim
that the in the first millennium the papacy was concerned with spreading the
faith; in the second with power, and in the third will be with service. This means that we are at a cusp where the
institutional model of the Church will be giving way to another emphasis—the
Church as Servant. In an earlier book, Dulles speaks of five models of the
Church: Institution, Communio, Sacrament, Servant, and Kerygma. We do see the power waning and a serious
shift away from the Institutional model.
While there are those prelates like Cardinal Burke and Archbishop
Cordileone who still like to parade around in glad rags that would make Marie
Antoinette embarrassed, there has been an attempt to de-princify (or
princessify) the Church. I am not sure
that I like the current CEO model any more than I liked the Renaissance Prince
model of the olden years, but it does send a message. Similarly, the liturgical reforms of the
Second Vatican Council have restructured
the Mass to emphasize its communal nature rather than the priestly
emphasis of the old Liturgy. Religious
women have dropped the pseudo-medieval garb of the last two centuries as well
as found new ways to live together without the faux-monasticism of convent
life. All this drives the Krazies even
krazier because it undermines the institutional model to which they are
While I think that that the model of the next
millennium will emphasize the servant nature of the Church, I think it will
also, by necessity, revive the kerygmatic emphasis. It is increasingly clear that European and
North American societies are a challenge for a “New Evangelization.” And I think this is the neuralgic point for the
krazies. A “New Evangelization” needs a
different face on the Church as Evangelizer than the Institution. Today’s world is distrustful of
Institutions. The International Football
Association (FIFA) is plagued by scandal.
Dennis Hastert, the “born-again evangelical” Republican former speaker of the House whose smarmy
holier-than-just-about-everyone-else attitude led him to be so self-righteous
in regards to President Bill Clinton, is now accused of paying hush money to a
man whom Hastert sexually abused when Hastert taught high school in
Illinois. Speaking of sex-abuse: it is
no longer just a Catholic problem, or even Dennis Hastert’s issue: Boy Scouts
of America, Little League, public and private high schools across the
country. And of course there is the
sexual harassment issues that plague the military, correction institutions,
private industry, professional sports.
And we have domestic violence just about everywhere you look. And just to bring matters back home: once
Pope Francis cleaned up the Vatican Bank, profits multiplied 20 times
over. 20 times over!!! Where was that money going before??? How will Gamarelli’s stay in business now
that the graft has been exposed? Who can
afford to buy a cappa magna out of his own pocket? Hopefully the Knights of Malta will pick up
the tab for you know who.
No, we have to let the Institution of the Church
morph into something less powerful and certainly not the public face of the
Church. We’ve got to get those nuns on
the bus back out there while they can still walk. We need that 85 year old Sister Megan Rice
who poured blood on the wall of a nuclear weapons plant to get out there in
front. C’mon Dan Berrigan—you’ve still
got work to do. Father Warren Hall—ok,
so the Bishop doesn’t want you at Seton Hall for you asking why we can’t all
get along (LGBT themed agenda, but a good question none the less) but hey, the
students believe in you. We need you up
front, man, you got "street cred." And you Missionaries of
Charity, yeah you’re pretty traditional but that isn’t the issue: you get down
and dirty with the poor. You’re solid
gold with this evangelization thing, ladies, and we need you. You see, our task isn’t to preserve the
Church—let God take care of the Church—our task is to bring the Good News of
the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom/Gospel
is our end; Church is only the means.
Let’s not worry about the Synod and who can and who can’t go to
communion. That is simply Rome fiddles
while the world burns. We are just
wasting our time trimming the Christmas Tree when we get caught in these
endless arguments. People who are in the
state of grace know that they are in the state of grace; those who know that
they have some remedial work to do before coming to communion know that they
have some remedial work to do. We need
to call one another to be honest—brutally honest—about the state of our souls
but not to waste time making judgments about others. God has more important
work for us to do.