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Religious Dissenters at the time
of the English Civil War
Well, I want to continue on with the threat of schism that
is emerging under Francis, but first let’s go back for a posting or two on the
history of the Church of England. My
readership always falls when I do straight history instead of commentary on
present situations and their historical impact, but I do have a small but
devoted following on this Church of England series and I do think there are
lessons we can learn from that history.
Not the least lesson is just how many readers, including Anglicans and
Episcopalians, have forgotten (or never known) that the Church of England was
decidedly Protestant in both theology and praxis (and that means liturgical
praxis) in the second half of the sixteenth century and pretty much right
straight through until the early 19th century.) I guess I should give a spoiler alert about
We left our saga of the Church of England after talking
about the Seekers and the Quakers, groups that rejected both clergy and
sacraments in favor of a more interior approach to religion. (We had already treated the more
traditional—by comparison—Congregationalists, Presbyterians, and Baptists. The Quakers, as I said, rejected any
trappings of traditional Christianity such as Baptism, Holy Communion (they
viewed true Communion as an interior and highly personal experience, perhaps
somewhat akin to the pious custom of “spiritual communion” among Catholics) as
well as any structured liturgy or Creed.
While originally quite orthodox in their doctrines about Christ and
about salvation, over time Quakerism has developed a breadth of opinions that
range from orthodox Christian to Unitarian and even Universalist. They are to be commended on their holding
fast to the key principles of charity (brotherly/sisterly love) and pacificism
which are needed values for all Christians to recover. We Catholics could do a bit better on this,
and might perhaps if it weren’t for the Krazies among us who keep insisting on
baptizing their Tea Party whimsies into a sort of pseudo-Catholic
orthodoxy. This by the way is why Pope
Francis drives them krazy as he just isn’t on their page. But I digress.
As radical as the Quakers were, there were plenty of groups
off to their left. One of these groups
were the Fifth Monarchy Men. They took
their name from the Book of Daniel that spoke of the four ancient monarchies
that would precede the reign of Christ.
(These were the Babylonian, Persian, Greek (Alexander the Great), and
Roman Empires.) The Fifth Monarchy Men,
devoted to the Fifth Monarchy—that of Christ—took the “Number of the Beast”,
666, and believed that in 1666 Christ would return and establish an earthly
kingdom. The Fifth Monarchy Men
initially cooperated with Cromwell in his overthrow of the Stuart kings, but
they rejected the idea of any earthly government save of that of “King
Another group which emerged at this time were the “Levelers”
or, as they were often popularly known, the “Diggers.” The Diggers were influenced by the writings
of Gerard Winstanley (1609-1676) and believed that God’s plan was for the land,
from which all derived their sustenance, to belong to all and not to be private
property of the landowners. This was at a
time when much of the “common land”—the open pastures and fields which did not
belong to any one person and to which all had access to pasture their sheep or
cattle—was being increasingly appropriated and “enclosed” (fenced in by stone
walls or by shrubbery) by great landowners.
The Diggers began themselves to cultivate the common land and even land
left fallow by the wealthy, and the powerful owners in an attempt to establish
small agrarian communities where property was held in common after the example
of the Acts of the Apostles. Like the Fifth
Monarchy Men they were anarchists.
Then there were the Ranters.
The Ranters rejected all religious authority over individuals—not only
that of the Church and the clergy, but even of the Bible. They believed that individuals should
surrender themselves to the Divine Spirit within themselves. Under the influence of this “Divine Spirit”
one could not sin—there were no boundaries set on behavior other than those set
by the Spirit on an individual. They got
a bit of a reputation for sexual immorality and they also rejected private
The Muggletonians were a breakoff group of the Ranters led
by one Lodowicke Muggleton. Muggleton
taught that there is no Divinity but Jesus Christ, the glorified human man;
that the devil is the illogical use of reason; that heaven is a realm of light
beyond the stars; hell is this earth with the sun and moon extinguished; angels
are beings of pure reason; and that the soul dies with the body but will be
raised with the body at the end time. Muggletonians survived into the mid-twentieth
century before dying out.
There are numerous other groups, but along with the entries
on the Congregationalists, Baptists, Quakers and others already mentioned, this
gives a good spectrum of the variety of sects and cults into which the Church
of England devolved during the English Civil War. This is always the problem with schism:
keeping a movement united and from shattering into a variety of ever more
extreme groups. We have seen that in our
entries with the Lefebvrists , with the sede-vacantist groups and others who
reject the authority of the Second Vatican Council and how they divide and
subdivide into new and more extreme groups.
I always enjoy your posts on the past. With a limited view of history or history reduced to a small chapter or even a few paragraphs we sometimes think we really do own the big picture. But, as you eventually conclude your post it is clear that there have been other very difficult times with many interests at work. Our own time does indeed mirror previous times. And, so what have we learned? How does this help us form the path from here to the future? Just asking.