Thursday, January 8, 2015

Getting In Touch With One's Truest Self

Cardinal Burke spoke recently to Matthew James Christoff of “The New Emangelization.”  His Eminence offered this opinion:
Men’s behaviors and dress matter, for it affects how they relate to the world and it affects the culture. Men need to dress and act like men in a way that is respectful to themselves, to women and to children
While I agree with the statement, given His Eminence’s sartorial preferences I can only surmise that Cardinal Burke is about to transgender.  I wish him the best of luck in his new life.  


  1. You are starting to sound like Father D, who by the way sent me to your blog. I am also very interested in your history of the Anglican Church.

    1. actually, I would rather be called despicable as Mr Drake does below than be compared to Father D. While I am given at times to an acerbic comment or two I am not aiming at satire or parody. But I have to admit that it is difficult to speak about H.E. without taking on some shade of mockery as he is so obviously functioning with a different set of reality coordinates than the rest of us.

  2. You are despicable.

    1. and when it comes to this disgrace to the Church and the Gospel, I take it as my vocation to be despicable

  3. When I saw Cardinal Burke's comments the other day, I said to my wife, "Consolamini's gonna have something to say about this!" Cardinal Burke's contradictory ideas and actions remind us that the Peter Principle is not confined to the secular world.
