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Cornelius Jansen |
I knew it was a huge mistake when the new translation of
the Roman Missal came out and the words of consecration were translated “for
many” rather than “for all.” (if you are interested in this, check the
side bar for “pro multis” and that
will link you to the four postings I did on this subject in 2011 and
2012.) In the first place while “for many” is a literal translation of
the Latin “pro multis” it is a faulty
translation because it fails to translate the original Greek text, ‘οί
πολλοί, from which the Latin is itself translated. (The New Testament
accounts of the Last Supper, like the remainder of the New Testament, were
written in Greek.) ‘Οί πολλοί means “the many”—an inclusive term
signifying the vast multitudes of people. We know it in English as “the
hoi polloi” meaning the common run of humanity, although “the” here is a bit
redundant. Greek, like English, has articles. ‘Οί is Greek for
“the.” Latin doesn’t have articles and so the Greek inclusive “the many”
became the Latin restrictive “many.” This has a huge impact for
soteriology (the theology of salvation) as it implies that Christ did not die
for all but only for some, namely those “many” (but not all) who were to be
saved. This proposition that Christ did not die for all was condemned by
Pope Innocent X in 1653 in the first salvo the Holy See fired against the
Jansenist heresy.
Jansenism, a heresy that stresses the fallen nature of
humankind and overstresses the idea of the “election” of the saved, has never
been completely wiped out; indeed it is very much the foundation for many of
the Catholic neo-traditionalists ranging from the Krazies among the
sedevacantists at Mount Saint Michael in Spokane to “Catholic” commentators
like Michael Voris. Jansenism is commonly said to have spread to America
via the Irish clergy who came here in the 19th and early 20th
century—and Irish Catholicism has in its blood a streak of Jansenism picked up
from Irish clergy who studied in France during penal times. But the real
infestation of Jansenism came to America even before the Irish migration with
émigré clergy fleeing the French Revolution. It found its American home in
Mount Saint Mary’s, a seminary founded in 1808 by Father John Dubois and other
French priests in the Catotctin Mountains of Maryland. Jansenism must
infest the old floorboards of “The Mount” as despite valiant efforts to erase
it on the part of various deans and some faculty over the years it has managed
to take root in the hearts of certain grads, and through them has spread to
infect the faithful in various eastern dioceses that send their candidates to
Mount Saint Mary’s for training. The Diocese of Arlington Virginia seems
particularly vulnerable to infection both in its priests and some of its more outspoken
Jansenism is basically “Catholic Calvinism.” It is derived from the writings of Cornelius
Jansen (1585-1638), a theologian and Bishop of Ypres in what is today
Belgium. Flanders, the province in which
Ypres is located, then was part of the seventeen provinces, a component unit of
the Hapsburg Empire where the Eighty Years war was being waged as the
Calvinists were trying to win their independence from their Catholic Habsburg
rulers. In the end Flanders remained
under Hapsburg rule and Catholicism was restored, but through much of this
period Flanders—like the northern provinces that would become the Netherlands—was
dominated by Calvinism. In the highly
intellectual atmosphere of the Calvinist Republic of Ghent, certain points of
Calvinist theology spilled over into Catholic circles and Cornelius Jansen’s
theology of grace and predestination had a strong scent of Calvinism to
it. Jansen’s book, Augustinus, gave a Calvinist read to the teachings of Saint
Augustine of Hippo—the great theologian of the Catholic West. The resultant distortions of Augustine’s
theology of Grace produced a conviction among Jansen’s followers that Christ
only died for those who would accept his sacrifice, and did not die so that all
might accept his Grace. This same error
was made by Calvin and became one of the distinguishing marks of Calvinism. This distorted Catholicism was very
influential in France in the 17th century and even its condemnation
by several popes did not lessen its influence.
Jansenism persists today.
Katholic Krazy Mary Anne Kreitzer of Woodstock Virginia who tilts at the
windmills of “liberal” Catholicism under the banner of Les Femmes recently published on her blog
warned about Gehenna more than anything else during his life on earth. He died to
save people from it. The Mass (since the restoration of the millenial "for
many" at the Consecration) is proof positive that ALL are NOT SAVED
because Jesus could only die for the salvation of the many who would accept His
sacrifice. Note that the bad thief got no guarantee of paradise. Did he repent
in the end? Maybe. Let's pray he did, but we have no evidence of it.
Well, Ms.
Kreitzer should read her bible as bit more assiduously as while Jesus certainly
did warn us about Gehenna, he did not do so
nearly as much as he warned us about the false teachings of those
scribes and Pharisees who were so confident in their own religiosity and despised
those whose views were so narrow. But it
is interesting that not only does Ms. Kreitzer espouse the Jansenist doctrine
that Christ did not die for all but only for those who would accept his grace,
but she uses the faulty translation of the pro-multis
to justify it.
A few months
back I attended a funeral in upstate New York and the principle celebrant of
the Mass—a cassock-wearing, biretta bedecked gentleman in his
seventies—pointedly said “for you and for all” as he consecrated the chalice at
the funeral Mass. I chided him about
this at the luncheon afterward and he took umbrage as he said: “I have no
choice; I will not give in to heresy.
Christ died for all and we must never say otherwise.” Father then pointed out to me that while one
cannot say that all are saved, one must be uncompromising in the faith that
Christ died so that all might be saved.
And—to my surprise—this priest is a graduate of Mount Saint Mary’s. But must have been in better days.
Agree with this. At my parish, we had to purchase cards for the pews and now have new hymnals in which some of our service music and songs have been butchered for the benefit of the USCCB. I think the bishops did this for the same reason a dog licks himself, because they can.