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Pope Francis at World Youth Day
in Rio de Janeiro
An interesting article in the New York Times this morning about the Church in Latin America. On the one hand there is new vitality for the
Catholic Church South of our border.
Sixty years ago the nations of Latin America were dependent on
missionary priests and sisters from the United States, Canada, and Western
Europe. Today, while the Churches of
Europe and North America are lacking in sufficient clergy for their own needs,
the former missionary countries of Latin America are actually sending vocations
to the United States. At the World Youth
Day last year we saw the tremendous energy of the Church in Brazil and
surrounding countries. The key to
renewal has been threefold: the growth of small base communities (communidades de
where people reflect together on the scriptures, the culturalization of the
liturgy where an intelligent participation in prayer is made more easily
accessible, and liberation theology where the lived experience of the faithful
is brought into dialogue with the ancient tenets of the Church. That is the good news.
The bad news is that while sixty years ago you had a Church that was
dead in the water with no vocations, with 15% Mass attendance, and with a
symbiotic relationship with right-wing dictatorships, you also had 90% of the
faithful identifying themselves as Catholic.
Today you have almost 20% of the population identifying as Protestant
and another 11% saying they are religiously unaffiliated.
Secularization is a problem throughout the developed world and it
should not be surprising that the majority of those who identify themselves as
without religious affiliation come not from the poorer elements of society but
from the upper Middle Class that have more in common culturally with North
Americans and Europeans than with the poor of their own countries. As a Church we need to develop a strategy to
effectively address the challenges secularism presents to society. But perhaps the more pressing thing to look
at is why there has been such a shift from Catholicism to Protestantism. The
New York Times article says:
Latin Americans who converted from Catholicism to Protestantism most
often said they did so because they were seeking a more personal connection
with God.
I think this is something that we must pay great attention to as I
believe holds the solution not only to the loss of Catholics to Protestantism
in Latin America but to the empty pews here at home.
I remember running into Pastor Lon Solomon of McLean bible Church in
McLean Virginia about fourteen years ago.
I was on a “Footsteps of Saint Paul” pilgrimage in Greece and Pastor
Solomon was leading a group of his congregants on a similar expedition. Our different busses both pulled into the
same restaurant for lunch. I am not sure
quite how the conversation started between us but he told me some interesting
things about McLean Bible. I was
familiar with MBC as I have at various times lived in the Washington DC
metropolitan area but Pastor Solomon told me that perhaps half of his 13,000
members were or had been Roman Catholics.
(I say “were or had been” as a number of them—including some friends of
mine from Great Falls—still consider themselves to be Catholics only that they
more often attend McLean Bible Church rather than their local parishes.) why are Catholics being drawn to Evangelical
Churches like McLean Bible? To be honest
McLean Bible is no hell-fire and damnation church. But people want a deeper and more personal
relationship with God than they are getting in most Catholic parishes. The sad thing is that if we Catholics knew
our own heritage, we would be the target churches for those who were seeking
that relationship.
I mention McLean Bible, let me also mention Tara Brach and the Insight
Meditation Community of Washington DC. Dr.
Brach teaches Buddhist Vipassana meditation.
Her Wednesday night teachings, held at River Road Unitarian Universalist
Church in Bethesda MD draws hundreds of people each week. It draws young people—people in their
thirties and forties—the sort of people that we aren’t seeing in our Catholic
and Lutheran and Episcopalian and Presbyterian Churches on Sundays, the sort of
people we usually associate with “secularism.”
Dr. Brach, in fact, offers a spirituality that well suits the young and
the intelligent in today’s world. And on
my visit there I was surprised to hear her cite not only Buddhist scriptures
and teachers, but Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross as well as Thomas
Merton and contemporary Catholic authors.
Catholic author, the Franciscan friar Richard Rohr, writes:
….we are reaping the rewards of
such repression. Much of the Western
world has given up on the church and is going other places for wisdom. Unfortunately, in these other places they are
sometimes “willingly filling their belly with the husks the pigs are eating”
(Luke 15:16) But we in the church must ask ourselves if we have not been the
parent who sent them away because there was nothing trustworthy or life-giving
at home.
We have a
rich heritage of spiritual authors that we keep as if under lock and key. Can’t we see we are only beginning the
renewal called for at the Second Vatican Council? What has happened so far is mostly “clearing
the ground” so that we can build a strong Church for the future.
Again, I
have reservations on George Weigel’s book, Evangelical
Catholicism, but his basic premise is, I believe, spot on.
The Catholic Church is being
invited to meet the Risen Lord in the Scriptures, the Sacraments, and Prayer
and to make friendship with him the center of Catholic life. Every Catholic has
received this invitation in Baptism, the invitation to accept the Great
Commission, to act as evangelists and to measure the truth of Catholic life by
the way in which Catholics give expression to the human decency and solidarity
that flows from friendship with Christ the Lord.
As a Church,
as the Community of the Body of the Risen Lord, we need to provide people with
that friendship—that personal relationship—with Jesus Christ. We have the scriptures, we have the Liturgy
(the sacraments), and we have a rich tradition of spirituality (prayer)with
which to do this. We have the
tools. Pope Francis is right, we need to
stop the screaming about abortion, about same-sex marriage, about the “evils of
the modern world” and pick up the tools the Holy Spirit has given us to deepen
our own faith and to bring that living faith to others. The protection of human life, the moral and
spiritual renewal of society, will all follow.
I could not agree more. And the truly sad and endlessly ironic thing about this repression is that the moral issues -- whatever they truly are -- would resolve themselves if people experienced the living relationship with God witnessed by the Catholic mystics. There would be no more need for the dreary moralizing hierarchs never tire of spouting. This is, by the way, the real secret to Francis' success -- he is a Jesuit who can be relied on to drink regularly from the Ignatian stream of spirituality. The Burkes of the world with their obsession for ecclesiastical display and the krazies with their preoccupation with anatomical plumbing and Disneyland liturgy will only appeal to a "religion as neurosis" form of spirituality. Your interlocutors were also correct to note how they would likely be out of business if Catholics ever awoke to what they repress in favor of Church Lady-esque caricatures. Isn't that special?
ReplyDeleteI agree. Much of our current "leadership" is ignoring the problem, and it doesn't come from the supposedly bad catechesis that young Catholics supposedly learned from Vatican II. The krazies are quick to blame Vatican II for everything they hate. Rather, it is the hypocrisy of a clergy that fixates on sex to the exclusion of addressing real problems that exist in the Church and world. There is an interesting parallel to this in the Religious Right. Many young people that were raised in the political atmosphere of the Religious Right have become sick of the hatred and are leaving the political churches in droves.
ReplyDeleteIt has been very interesting, in a sad and pathetic sort of way, to see the comments being left at the humor blog that did put a serious link to YOUR blog a few days back, "Fr D's Blog", a send-up of Father Zuhlsdorf. In the last couple of days, that blog has been bombarded with vile comments, liberally (pardon the pun) laced with the "F" bomb, graphic sexual stuff, really bad. Eventually even the comic person who writes the blog took the worst ones down, at which point the traditionalists came back and proclaimed: *** WARNING TRADITIONALISTS! MODERATION IS ON! *** as if acknowledging that, indeed, the filth WAS from among their own. But it all adds up doesn't it? And it shows what odds Pope Francis is up against. The shadow side of all that self-righteousness is clearly a very deep-seated pathology, and the ranting and raving against "adulterous unions" and "sodomy", etc etc etc is really their own skeletons begging to be let out of their tightly locked closets. Fascinating.
ReplyDeleteI am very sorry to hear that. Looking at the blogs, I find that many of the krazies are driven by their anger --or more accurately by their fears that trigger a deep anger; but at the same time I find their self-righteousness would be sufficiently strong to deter them from vulgarities. But there are always a few such as the person who runs the Mundabor Blog who are rageaholics or people like the person who runs the Pope Francis the Destroyer Blog who are mentally or emotionally unbalanced. "Father D's" Blog can be a bit Benny-Hillish at times and I find he can make be a bit uncomfortable with his humor--but then as I say I am a bit of a prig--but there is no call to retort with vulgarity. In looking through some of his back entries, by the way, I was rolling on the floor with P.D.Q. Bach's Requiem for Four Accordions. I think that is the funniest thing I have yet to see on any blog.