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Carravaggio's "The Entombment"--a fruit of Renaissance humanism |
When Pope Francis announced to the Italian Church at their
national synod in Florence this past November that there was a need to bring
the idea of humanism to the front again, many of the Katholik Krazies went even
more than usually berserk. To those
ignorant of the history of our Christian faith the idea of “humanism” is
somehow opposed to authentic Christianity when, in fact, it is an essential
component of our Christian faith. The
earliest writer on Christian humanism is no one less than the Apostle Paul
himself who in his letters gives us a foundation for a philosophical view on
what it means to be truly human. For
Paul we arrive at the fullness of our human nature when we
Have among yourselves the same
attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus, Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming
in human likeness; and found human
in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2:5-8.)
The key to realizing full human
potential is found in kenosis, the emptying
of self and self-interest in favor of conforming ourselves to Christ. In orthodox Christianity, we see Christ to be
the ideal human person and to the extent that we conform ourselves to him even
as he conforms himself in obedience to the Will of the Father, we reach our
potential to be truly human. This is
very counter-intuitive and certainly runs contrary to most of the various
humanisms advanced by the philosophers of the ancient world. Christianity has always taken a remarkably
unique approach to the human ideal and the understanding of what makes us
human. Both the various secular
humanisms that have emerged since the Enlightenment and the perspectives
offered by the other great world religions have some similarities with
Christian humanism but also are, at the core, essentially different. This is because Christianity begins with an
understanding of the Godhead that differs not only from the religions of the
East but from the other two Abrhamic faiths, Judaism and Islam. Christianity sees the human person as having the
potential to share in the Divine Nature.
The Church Fathers, notably Iranaeus and Athanasius, went to far as to
speak of our being sharers in the Divine Nature when we so conform ourselves to
Christ that we surrender our own selves to indeed become essentially united to
Christ with Christ being the life-principle within us. “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no
longer I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me.” (Galatians 2:11). “God
became human so that humans might become God”—a statement which, were it not
from the fathers, would seem to be counter to all Christian orthodoxy but which
has become a cornerstone of all genuine Christian anthropology or humanism ever
since. Beginning with Paul, the authors of the Christian scriptures—both Gospels
and Epistles—laid the foundation for a genuine understanding of what it means
to be truly human. The parables of the
Good Samaritan, the Pharisee and the Publican, Lazarus and the Rich Man, The
King and his two debtors, The man whose barn wasn’t big enough, Lowest Seat at
the Banquet, The persistent widow, the Last Judgment and others all give us
insights into human nature at its best and at its worst.
It was Origen, and probably even
more, Tertullian, the second/third century theologians who organized much Christian
thought into a philosophical system, who gave us the more abstract or
philosophical view of human nature—though Origen tended to be a bit over-positivist
with his belief that all will eventually be reconciled to God, and Tertullian a
big over negative with his objection to the idea that sins committed after
baptism cannot be forgiven. Perhaps for
us in the West, the great Christian humanist is Saint Augustine.
Augustine is, at least for us in the
Western Church, the great Christian thinker who takes the Scriptures and the
Apostolic Tradition and tries to weave a coherent Christian theology. His appreciation for human nature is, I think,
spot on—in this regard I am much closer to Pope Benedict than to most other
Catholic thinkers. Augustine is often
seen as too negative, even sin-obsessed but sin, for Augustine, is not his
topic but only the foil against which we can see Grace. Augustine is the Doctor Gratiae, (the Doctor of Grace). While Augustine thinks that the human person
without grace (should such a creature be even conceivable much less a reality)
is pretty much the bottom of the barrel, transformed by Grace the human person
mirrors the God in whose image and likeness we are created. Augustine was an extensive writer who looked
not only at the human person in se (I
love Latin except for Mass) but in our place in The City of God and in the context of the City of Man. What I
like about Augustine’s humanism is that it is not iced with that overly sweet
frosting of a supposed innate human goodness but recognizes the far more
bitter-sweet ambivalence of the human heart as it is caught between our natural
concupiscence and supernatural Grace.
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The answer is not “The
Shadow” but Saint Augustine. My friend,
the late theologian Monika Hellwig, used to rag me about my Augustinian
leanings but I just find him to be the most honest and soul-searching of
Christian writers.
Over the Middle Ages a number of
Christian authors continued to deal with the subject of a Christian
humanism. The Early and Central Middle
Ages was not a great time for intellectual life in the West, though Gregory the
Great’s Moralia in Job is highly
significant for our topic. The Renaissance
of the 12 century however opened the flood gates of Christian literature and
crucial—but conflicting—approaches to Christian humanism were taken by Bernard
of Clairvaux and Peter Abelard. The dispute
between Bernard and Abelard also marks the divide between the Fathers and the
Scholastics and while Bernard may have won the day it was Abelard who would ultimately
win the war. While Thomas Aquinas and
the other Scholastic theologians shied away from embracing Abelard by name or
by explicitly affirming his more radical ideas, they embraced his Aristotelian
method and did, in fact, come up, as Abelard did, with a much more positivist anthropology
than Augustine and most of the Patristic tradition had. Personally, I think the Scholastics’
positivism regarding the human person have provided the seedbed for the
semi-pelagianism that has plagued our Catholic tradition ever since. But then Monika Hellwig always chided me for
my attachment to Saint Augustine.
Christian humanism exploded in the
Renaissance with such figures as Dante Alighieri, Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini
(Pius II), Nicholas of Cusa, Geert Groote, Desiderius Erasmus, Basilios
Bessarion, Baptist of Mantua, John
Colet, Thomas More, Giles of Viterbo and many others. The impact of these thinkers in turn created the
magnificent baroque and rococo art with Donatello, Durer, Ghirlandaio, Grunewald,
Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian, El Greco, Tiepolo, Caravaggio and so many more. Indeed, without humanism the renaissance
would not have hatched and the Tridentine Catholicism which so many hail as the
apex of Catholic faith and culture would have been—at best—a pallid and ghostly
shadow of the energetic and animated revival it was in its day.
Hopefully Pope Francis’ call for a
new humanism can trigger the same energy that was unleashed in the
Renaissance. I will look at Francis’s
suggestion in an upcoming post, but I think my next posting will bring you some
recent comments by one “FrankieB”—a Katholik Krazie if there every was one and
let you see just what we faithful Catholics have to deal with when the
self-appointed magisterium gets on our tail.
"FrankieB" is just one of his many names.. They are legion!! He and I tangled one evening for hours on a website. He is making absurd claims that he and his group, who he says we will soon hear about on FOX and CNN, will take over the church and the US government. He was particularly over the top when he discovered my website and knew that I had gone to Rome as a free lance with Vatican credentialing this last October. Why, he was going to make sure the Vatican press office only credentialed practicing Catholics. I wished him luck with that one. He tried invading my website but my web mechanic has him stopped so a word to the wise to block him from yours
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