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The American Loon |
I have a friend who is an executive officer for one of the more
significant national Catholic organizations and he tells me stories of how the Super
Krazies such as Judy Brown of the “American Life League” or Michael Hichborn of
“The Lepanto Institute” or The National
Catholic Register or Michael Voris
and his “Church Militant T.V.” have at one time or another piled on the various
organizations and agencies affiliated with the United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops in attempts to both undermine the work of the official Church
and to discredit the fidelity of the Bishops and their Conference to the
Deposit of Faith held by the Church through the centuries. These groups are, for the most part, afraid
to go after Pope Francis and the Holy See as that would be a “bridge too far”
for the average Catholic to swallow their Kool-Aid, but they don’t hesitate to
set their crosshairs on Cardinals Dolan or Wuerl or O’Malley or some of our
better bishops such as Archbishop Cupich of Chicago or Bishop Kicanas of
Tucson. They paste together bits of
rumor and isolated quotes and the occasional fact to set up mitered strawmen
that they can attack without having to ground their accusations in any
substantial fact.
We in the Blogosphere are more like the local Monsignor—we draw
the lower level krazies who lack the panache of a Michael Voris or a Judy Brown
and who are driven not by the need to raise money for their various
organizations or “internet t.v.” stations, but rather who are working out of
deeply rooted rage that the Church is not faithful to them, or perhaps to put it more to the point: that the Church is on
a course which threatens to undermine their political/social/economic/cultural
About a month ago, if you recall, I drew the attention of one
such Krazie, a “FrankieB” who in two days posted 15 comments to my blog. Rather than distributing them among the
various articles to which they correspond, I had organized them into a single
posting for your viewing pleasure. Then,
before I could post them, my comments box was deluged with about 90 more of
Frankie’s comments, many of them expressing his anger and frustration that I
wasn’t posting his/her comments. S/He
threatened to stop following my blog if I didn’t publish his/her comments. Hey, problem solved. Adios FrankieB.
I will admit, however that I was a bit duplicitous, putting the
postings aside figuring that I would publish them down the line “when it was
safe to go into the water again.”
Well, I think we are up for a sequel. FrankieB-2—first aka JimH, and now like the
Geresene demoniac, Legion, has resurfaced. I was warned that Frankie had multiple
personalities as these types often do. I
have started to get more of the same genre of comments, equally inane and off
the point, and an impatience that I am not choosing to publish them. That’s the
fun of having a blog: the author gets to choose what he or she wants to publish
and I don’t want to publish FrankieB or JimH or DonaldT or Mary Queen of Scots or
any other blowhard who reads my blog only to see if his/her idiocies make the
cut. Well, that’s not quite true: I do
want to publish Frankie’s/Jimmy’s original fifteen or so prattling’s as they provide
a good example of the sort of rage/ignorance/narrow-mindedness that shapes the
krazy perspective. So, for your viewing
pleasure, let me introduce to you our own FrankieB (or JimH or Joe L or whoever).
When right-wingers start
blowing up liberals dining on lattes in Starbucks, give me a call. on What Ideology Do
Rorate Caeli And ISIS Have In Common?
BTW, what is your name ? on What Ideology Do
Rorate Caeli And ISIS Have In Common?
Right, we can expect more
of the spineless appeasing of anti-Catholic liberals that Weurl & Co. have
been doing for decades. That what led us into the mess we are in. If Catholics
wanted spineless and gutless and effeminate leadership, we would have become
Episcopalians. on Why They Are
Afraid of Pope Francis 16
More nonsense from a
pseudo-Catholic intellectual (are you one of those theologians at a
"Catholic" college ?). Anybody who compares the garbage on the Left
-- Pelosi, Kennedy, etc. -- with loyal Catholics who object to the Pope's
half-assed attempts to appease anti-Catholic liberals is too stupid to have his
or her own blog. Bet you don't have the guts to print this. on The Obamazation
of Pope Francis V
Why don't you and your
readers who think Catholic conservatives are more dangerous than ISIS go to the
Mid East wearing "ISIS SUCKS" signs ? Put your money where your
mouths are. on What Ideology Do
Rorate Caeli And ISIS Have In Common?
I will say this: you are
one of the most arrogant know-it-alls I have seen commenting on things Catholic.
How much to pay you to go become an Episcopalian ? on Why They Are
Afraid of Pope Francis 16
Are you as stupid as you
write? ".... He was a key player in the advancement of Archbishop Lori,
for example, from being Bishop of Bridgeport to Archbishop of Baltimore—a see
that often carries a red hat with it. Lori and Burke—along with the infamous
but influential Cardinal Bernard Law, formerly of Boston—were responsible for
the allegations against the American nuns affiliated to the Leadership
Conference of Women Religious." They weren't responsible for the
"allegations" it was LOYAL Catholics, something you obviously
wouldn't recognize if a pile of stained glass were to fall on your head. WE
reported the nuns, and they were not "allegations" -- they were
facts. The nuns, who were loyal only to "social justice" leftist
nonsense, were quite content to undermine Church teachings to pursue their
non-Catholic liberal political agenda. You must think we are as dumb as you to
fall for your ignorant revisionism about the LCWR/NCAN. I bet liberals like you
had no problem when on Why They Are
Afraid of Pope Francis 16
Yeah, because Mass
attendance has done great with the changes in the liturgy the last 50 years,
right Khughes ? From 75% down to 25%. It's conservative churches that have
grown the last 50 years, while liberal Protestants are nearly extinct. Your
advice is to follow the Protestants, which is sort of like buying a baseball
club and deciding the best way to win World Series is to pattern your team
after the Chicago Cubs instead of the New York Yankees. FYI: If you're not a
math major, the numbers are supposed to GO UP and not DOWN. on A Tea Party in
the Catholic Church
Why don't all you liberals
leave the Catholic Church ? We'd all welcome it and you can take your liberal
stench with you. on Of Synods and
Just what the Catholic
Church needs...ecumenical outreach to a "church" which endorses
sodomy and prenatal infanticide. Yes, that's the ticket, as Jon Lovitz used to
say. Fortunately, this crap won't fly anymore than it will with the Anglicans.
Good riddance. on That All May Be
Actually, real Catholics
who believe their Church is #1 oppose false ecumunism because we don't want to
dilute and water down our Faith with the garbage theology of apostate Protestant
retreads. Garbage should be removed from a home, not brought into it. on That All May Be
Typical leftists nonsense.
If you think conservatives like me will allow Leftists like you to send out
hard-earned $$$ to support the political agenda of anti-Catholic Leftists
(including left-wing WASPs, Jews, and blacks) , think again. Only in your
warped world-view of moral equivalences can key moral issues regarding divorce/marriage/sexuality
be cheapened by supporting bogus "social justice" nonsense as if
increasing Food Stamp monies offsets butchering an unborn babies head. But for
all I know, PF thinks the same thing. Personally, I think most Catholics have
had it with social justice. The Church is FAR too obsessed with social programs
and taking money from white, middle-class Catholics and giving it to black
anti-Catholic bigots from the Congressional Black Caucus. Cut their $$$ off,
and to those who say this is cruel and anti-poor I say...hey....who am I to
judge, right ? Cuts both ways, libs. Enjoy the castor oil. on A Pope For
Better and For Worse
"Personally, I think the
Scholastics’ positivism regarding the human person have provided the seedbed
for the semi-pelagianism...." Umm, how many 70-IQ liberals do you think
actually know what this means ? Actually, how many can even READ it ? LOL
Monica Hellwig was your teacher? Leave it to someone who supported Charles
Curran and was at Georgetown (I guess you went there too), an apostate
heretical institution supporting a whats-what of anti-Catholic Left wing
garbage. The rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I guess. on The Importance
of Humanism to Christianity
Oh, I see you gave me
prime real estate by mentioning me....how sweet !! Actually, I'm a bit different
than most of the folks who you regard as the "KKs" -- I've never been
to a TLM, am not a traditionalist....but am most definitely a conservative and
not a liberal. And if there's one common bond that unites a liberal Catholic
like you and other brain-dead liberals across the spectrum, it's your
narcissistic self-righteous attitude. That and the fact that you aren't too
smart -- anybody who gets a degree in religion has too much time on their hand.
Try getting a job in the Real World -- aka the private sector -- with a degree
in religion or theology and see how that translates. Reminds me of the loser
who came to our office with a degree in "Black Studies" whatever the
hell that is. Oh, and it's not liberal retreads like you who are the faithful
Catholics. It's folks like me who support the Catholic Church against liberal
garbage and your leftist anti-Catholic allies like on The Importance of
Humanism to Christianity
You can call us the
"Katholic Krazies" but you are the one who has a Comments section
with no comments. Can't debate the slop you write, huh ? on The Importance
of Humanism to Christianity
The reactive (as opposed to responsive) tone of FrankieB’s
The amount of unfocused anger that underlies these comments.
The frequent recourse to ad
hominem attacks rather than engaging the issues at hand.
The lack of knowledge of Catholic teaching
The lack of actual knowledge about events, people, or how things
work in the Church.
The anger at Church teaching and polity to the point of
rejecting magisterial authority.
The racist and religious prejudices underlying many of the
The inaccurate reading of the original article and thus wrong
conclusions that result.
Lack of confidence in current papal leadership
anti-intellectualism that betrays a contempt for education
will explore these characteristics of a Katholik Krazie in the next
Your post is a bit unfair to the American Loon which is a lovely bird.
ReplyDeleteI know, but alas, I am unable to summon up true contrition
DeleteYup, consolamini,that is just about the same kind of rhetoric he plastered...or tried to...all over US Catholic about me. I see he has posted to Commonweal. I emailed them to be careful and why regarding letting him comment. He was still commenting there a week or so ago but I haven't checked lately. I think he has another new name on crux but, hey, they don't seem to care as I think they are getting desperate to have readership. John Allen's articles have been a bit pitiful lately. I know you probably won't post this but I just wanted to congratulate you on taking this guy on. He claimed we will be hearing about him and his group on CNN and Fox soon...I don't watch Fox but I haven't seen anything on CNN.
ReplyDeleteI am a little surprised, Reyanna, that US Catholic and Crux don't edit their comments section No point giving these Krazies more oxygen
ReplyDeleteReyanna, I had noticed FrankiB (as he calls himself also) over at Commonweal. His usual spiel is to invite those of us who don't agree with him to join the Episcopalians. Rather charitable, not?